PPJ #2 – Cole

In the time since my last PPJ, a lot has happened! The game is progressing well, but it’s time to give it the final push it needs to get it ready. Since my last PPJ I’ve gotten a lot of programming done and added many of our core gameplay features.

Enemy AI – This was probably my biggest accomplishment of these last two weeks. To keep our project within scope, we decided on having only one enemy character — the wolf. This enemy is a proximity enemy: the level will start with the wolf sleeping in a start position. This will be it’s idle state. There is a red ring around the wolf that indicates its trigger. If either player character enters this ring, the wolf will wake up and attack! This is its attack state. The wolf is a navmesh agent, so once it attacks, it’ll follow the players around any obstacle until they exit the ring. Once both characters exit the ring, the wolf will slowly return to its original position. This is its return state. Once there, it will reenter its idle state.


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